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A Power-Functions Remote-Controlled Car
Sat, 22 Dec 2007 15:51:50 GMT
9622 times
I uploaded a video (with some stills in it) of a Power-Functions remote
controlled car. It uses a dual-differential drive so that it can go straight
well. (The video also shows stills of an earlier version that used a more
conventional steering; but it was almost impossible to make it go straight.)

The Power-Functions parts are from the Monster Dino, which is a great fun to
build but not so exciting to play with, since it moves fairly slowly and since
you can't steer it. The same is true for the alternate model, an alligator.

So I was trying to use the remote-control capability to build a vehicle that
would be fast and maneuverable. The video shows the result, which is really fun
to play with.


Enjoy! Sivan

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A Power-Functions Remote-Controlled Car
(...) Excellent video, Sivan - I can see this is fun to play around with. I have to admit that I was as of yet unaware of the power functions system. While I figure that an RCX with IR remote and some decent design work might also be quite (...) (17 years ago, 22-Dec-07, to lugnet.technic)

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