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Technic Clock Tower Building with Electric Drive
lugnet.technic,, lugnet.trains
Sun, 8 Apr 2007 05:11:54 GMT
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17759 times
I built a new version of my clock tower building for a recent train layout with NELUG. The clock mechanism is built from 100% genuine LEGO and is driven by a 9V (RIS-style) motor powered from a train transformer at a bare minimum voltage. I use a clutch gear in the drivetrain to allow the time on all 4 faces to be set simply by rotating one of the minute hands, even while the clock is running. Because the gearing is improved, I was able to shorten the pendulum so that it fits entirely inside the building with no table cutout needed.

As with the previous version of this building, the tower has four clock faces, geared together at the minute-hand axle. Otherwise, this is yet-another complete redesign of the rest of the mechanism.

The tower has an observation deck consisting of four balconies near the top. Inside this (removeable) section of the tower is a stand that can hold four minifigs which rotate slowly from one window to the next every 22.5 minutes. I used magnets to attach the figs so that they can easily be swapped out while the clock is running.

Learning from my past mistakes, this building can be taken apart in layers, and the clock mechanism can be easily removed from the tower for maintenance.

Related posts:

My first Clock Tower on LUGNET

My Electric Granddaughter Clock on LUGNET

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