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 Technic / 15037
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Re: LEGO Knitting Machine
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 22:49:55 GMT
5511 times

Thank you all for the compliments!  There were a few questions posted and I'll
try to answer them all here rather than individually.

This machine is not directly modeled after a similar device.  However, I learned
a great deal about knitting from an ancient machine I bought on ebay.  This ebay
machine is similar in style to these:

I combined what I learned from the ebay machine w/a knitting mushroom:

and you've seen the results:)

By far the hardest part of this project was also the simplest; the latch hooks.
These hooks were incredibly difficult to get right and, after some monstrous
iterations, I'm quite pleased w/how simple they turned out to be.

Although I'm sure it could be done, getting this mechanism to work for a blanket
or scarf would be difficult.

As for an additional video with unedited sound, that will have to wait.  This
thing has been picked up by and I'm having bandwidth issues.

Again, thanks for all the kind words,


Message is in Reply To:
  LEGO Knitting Machine
Greetings All, I've built a functional LEGO knitting machine. The thing works remarkably well and has yet to drop a stitch. Pictures can be found at: (URL) video is at: (URL) just mesmerized by this thing and hope you enjoy it. Tom (18 years ago, 11-Jan-06, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.announce.moc) !! 

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