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The Clague - Sophie - Hassenplug Combine
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Tue, 13 Apr 2004 00:38:22 GMT
7449 times
Re: The Clague - Sophie Project, has now become,
The Clague - Sophie - Hassenplug Combine

Get out your Pen and Paper kiddies, this is gonna be good.

Gents, here is what I propose.

I've been sorting my White and Dark Grey.
I'm itching to make a Scorpion.

I'll work with you both to make this pretty nifty.

I'll rig the mechanics and framework.
Install the pistons, switches, motors and sensors.
RCX and Spybots on hand.

It will require compressors be built in the body somewhere.
You'll be able to do that Kevin. Plus link the pistons and switches in the Arms,
and Tail to a pnuematic nervous system. You can alternate or combine the flow of
air to make the 3 limbs move about in whatever sequence you choose. That is your

Steve will be posted on what mechanics and hardware is involved.
Preparing you to coordinate Motor and sensor controls Steve. You'll need to
inspect the biometrical range of motion for the Legs and other motor controls.
Correlate the sensors at each joint as you see fit. You'll need to make
suggestions on working with devices such as the Spybots for remote capabilities.
That is your challange, to correlate the devices I'll use to attain the

Each of us will spend time with the actual model. We must agree to limit the
time we each have the model. So we can shoot for a Brick Fest Demo.

Take heart. I could have a Deca-pod frame in Kevin's hands quick, don't temp me.
Though sadly, money for shipping is my only weak spot. The Lego I can cover.
Perhaps we can come to an arrangement.

Gents. I can produce a Scorpion Frame, loose at the Arms and Tail ready for
pneumatic circut logic to be installed, and with Data and values for sensors,
motors and device port controls. Each of you will work on the model utilizing
your expertise.

Kevin will Pnuemo King it, Steve will coordinate the articulation and sensor
work, I'll flick some SNOT on it to finish it off, and if it doesn't work, Rob
Limbaugh will fix it.

Then when we are done we can send it to Chris Masclet.


I'm gonna go do some scale studies.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: The Clague - Sophie - Hassenplug Combine
(...) Hi Eric Best American builders, no parts quantity limit.... It seems I cannot fight !! ;-) Chris. (20 years ago, 13-Apr-04, to lugnet.technic)
  Re: The Clague - Sophie - Hassenplug Combine
(...) Holy $%#*!!! This has instantly become one of the coolest Lego ideas I've seen in recent memory! What a collaboration! A thread I'll be watching like a hawk. With the talent of you three guys, makes me wonder where it will go!!!? After (...) (20 years ago, 13-Apr-04, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  The Clague - Sophie Project
Kevin, in preparation for our co-build, what sorts of ideas would you like to pursue; ie... what kind of bot would you like to build? Scorpion? Quadra-ped? Pnuemo Asst'd Arm? Hexapod? Cente-Milli-ped? Or, what would the rest of you like to see us (...) (20 years ago, 11-Apr-04, to lugnet.technic, FTX)

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