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 Star Wars / 17723
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Re: LEGO Star Wars II "Santa" cheat
Fri, 22 Dec 2006 23:01:28 GMT
39746 times
In lugnet.starwars, Kelly McKiernan wrote:

   I haven’t tried it out myself...

I just did, on a PS2. Works fine. When you input a proper code, you just get a nice sound (confirming it’s a valid code), but that’s it. You have to go over to the tanks to put together your own Santa, and after you have him go under “extras” to put on “disguise 3” (the beard; you have to purchase the ability to wear disguises first, I suspect).

Now, if I could just get 8 stormtroopers to pull the landspeeder...

-- Brian “Santa with a lightsaber” Davis

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO Star Wars II "Santa" cheat
(...) Good question, I haven't tried it out myself, and I wasn't told which platforms it would work on. I also hear the beard is tough to get for some reason. Kelly (17 years ago, 22-Dec-06, to lugnet.starwars, FTX)

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