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 Star Wars / 16620
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Re: What happened to!
Thu, 11 Mar 2004 13:56:47 GMT
1923 times
In lugnet.starwars, Erick Jensen wrote:

It got FARKED!!  I read and noticed something about acpin and a
complete deathstar, well that will bring about 10000 extra people to any site
and that will kill most servers.  It just takes a day or so for the server to
get back online.

The FBTB customs opened our gallery with the Death Star Modules that were done
last year. Somehow it got sent to Fark and it actually got more than 50,000 hits
on that day.

ACPin & Sons

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What happened to!
(...) It got FARKED!! I read and noticed something about acpin and a complete deathstar, well that will bring about 10000 extra people to any site and that will kill most servers. It just takes a day or so for the server to get back online. (20 years ago, 26-Feb-04, to lugnet.starwars)

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