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Introducing The Galactic Ship Yard
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish
Sat, 5 Aug 2000 06:17:43 GMT
1710 times
Thanks to everyone for their input on this.  Of course this thing is going
to evolve as it grows. Input is always welcome.

    If you have a creation you think should be on the list please check out
the guidelines here:

Right now the list needs mostly BIG ships and BIG space stations/bases.

Soon I'll have a category for land vehicles, mecha and probably Star Wars
will get its own section too (yessir its gonna be the biggest collection of
lego Millenium Falcons on the 'net  ; )
    I might later also have a section with all the largest official space
sets with links to Brick Shelf maybe where applicable.

    I've still got about 10 megabites on this account so for the time being
I'll leave it here but later I'll probably find a new server with  no pop up
stuff. : P

    Please send in those creations and also tell me what you think!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Introducing The Galactic Ship Yard
Hi Jon, One thing... the thumbnail for Mithrandir doesn't seem to be loading. Also, I'm honored that you used my donut shop as the Space Station thumb. :^D ~M (24 years ago, 7-Oct-00, to, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish)

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