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 Space / 1933
1932  |  1934
Mon, 17 Apr 2000 14:53:10 GMT
1458 times
Well I updated my I didn't add any of my models.  Instead I
made it more eye candyish and added some instruction scans.  I've been playing
with the site on both IE and Netscape and Netscape does not seem to handle
JScript very well so I would advise you not to use it as it'll prolly just
crash and burn.  Anyway I had some SW instructions around, so, I scanned em.
I know that some people might get pissed off about it, but I don't
particularly care.  If Lego e-mails me personally and asks me to not have them
on there, I'll take em off.  I'm wondering if I should make indexes though for
the instructions, what do you all think?  Also be sure to check out the CD
Player it's lots of fun!  :)


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