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 Robotics / RCX / 2582
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Re: RCX IR Tx Circuit - and Now Rx Circuit Too!
Fri, 21 Jan 2005 22:01:31 GMT
10629 times
In lugnet.robotics.rcx, Ross Crawford wrote:
   In lugnet.robotics, Mark Bellis wrote:
   Here’s my drawing of the RCX IR transmission circuit (receiver circuit to follow soon):

Thanks for all your work on this Mark! It is very interesting, even for someone like me with only basic knowledge of electronics. Are you planning to put it all together on a web page some day?


For the time being, all the RCX ones are in the same Brickshelf folder, though obviously this is unavailable for a while whenever I add one.

Code Pilot, RC Tower and other units are in other folders.

Russell Nelson has added links on his mindstorms page:

It’s a pleasure to be able to add something to the community, and use my professional skills for my hobby. I suppose I do forward rather than reverse engineering at work though :-)

This begs another post for another thread about the RCX3...

Speaking of adding circuits, here’s the RCX IR Rx circuit:

There is surprisingly little to the receiver circuit. The data output from the receiver device goes straight to the processor.

The +5V pull-up circuit is common to the receiver and the sensor ports. The 3Kp transistor and the 22k resistors are also on the sensor port circuit. I’ve added another feed to the processor that hangs off the pull-up. This might be a signal that tells the processor that both +9V and +5V supplies are present, which might tell the processor to shut down safely if either supply were interrupted.

I’ll look at the motor control circuit next, though I expect it will be similar to the one on the MLX10402 motor driver data sheet.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: RCX IR Tx Circuit
(...) Thanks for all your work on this Mark! It is very interesting, even for someone like me with only basic knowledge of electronics. Are you planning to put it all together on a web page some day? ROSCO (19 years ago, 20-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics.rcx, FTX)

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