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VEX microcontroller (was Re: vex robotics kit)
Tue, 21 Jun 2005 21:35:23 GMT
1404 times
Sorry to follow up my own reply, but I’ve dug up some more information on the VEX microcontroller.

According to this page, “The microcontroller has connections for two radio control receivers, and connections for up to 8 motors and/or servos. There are 16 analog/digital I/O ports, and the default software uses jumpers placed there to control drive and limit switch functionality.” It also has interrupt inputs and a standard 7.2v power jack.

8 motor/servo outputs... 16 A/D I/O ports... drool...

The Vex building system uses an erector-set approach, with everything held together with nuts and bolts. I wonder whether the nuts would fit through a technic pin hole. If so, one might be tempted to use the Vex microcontroller, sensors, and motors to make a LEGO robot, simply screwing the darn things on wherever they need to go. Not as elegant as using all LEGO parts, to be sure, but... 8 outputs, integrated R/C control... dang!

Apparently, Radio Shack will be selling the programming kit separately, starting in August. Meanwhile you can piece one together yourself, based on the Microchip C18 compiler. Neat.

(I’ve changed the groups to just lugnet.robotics, since this no longer has much to do with the RCX per se.)

- Joe

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