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 Publishing / RailBricks / 17
    Re: RAILBRICKS Issue 4 is now available —Timothy Gould
   (...) What! No comments yet? Excellent work guys. I've only skimmed it so far but what I skimmed was very fun. Good to see the Royal Train make a reappearance. Tim (16 years ago, 6-Oct-08, to lugnet.publish.railbricks, FTX)
        Re: RAILBRICKS Issue 4 is now available —Jeramy Spurgeon
   (...) Thanks Tim. We appreciate the feedback. I just had to spotlight the Royal Train. It was one of those catalysts that got me back into LEGO Trains. -Jeramy (16 years ago, 9-Oct-08, to lugnet.publish.railbricks, FTX)

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