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 Pirates / 2281
More Info on the Ship
Fri, 31 Aug 2001 18:35:32 GMT
1926 times
Here is some information in response to the questions I have received about
the Jolly Roger:

1) Having the stock hulls in the ship served as a basis from which I built
the frame for the vessel. On hindsight I'm not quite sure that I like how
they fit in to the overall design. However, the rest of the hull consumed
basically all of my black pieces, so unless I start expanding into another
color, I'm stuck with the current design for now.
2) The sails are all made of printer paper, folded so that they have a
furled look. All the rigging is done with dental floss.
3) I guess officially I would like the ship to be an imperial vessel (it is
sort of modeled off a man-o-war design), but alas I don't have that many
imperial minifigs. Therefore I prefer to think of it as a captured imperial
vessel that has now been converted to piratical use.

I will attempt to get some more up-close pictures, including some of the
interiors. It won't be easy, because the mast setup is extremely fragile (I
just kept stacking the stock mast pieces on top of eachother, making for an
extremely flimsy setup held up mostly by the rigging).

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