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Re: Official Notice from MechaHub to Eric Sophie
Wed, 21 Jun 2006 02:54:28 GMT
!! (details)
4359 times
In, Brendan Mauro wrote:
Dear random people I don't know:

This is not frontpage news.  Why is it on my lugnet frontpage?  I don't care
about your useless bickering, I care about things like MOCs and important
announcements.  I don't believe your schoolyard squabbles fall into either of
those categories.  This doesn't belong on my frontpage, please get it off.

This is lugnet, not myspace.


--Brendan Mauro

Hey guys!

Do you know what I like? LEGOs. Do you like LEGOs? I like LEGOs. Want to be
friends? We can talk about LEGOs. LEGOs are cool. I built a spaceship and a
house. I'm trying to build a car, but it's harder than I thought. I bought a
castle set and it came with a lego wine glass! I was so surprised! I bought a
pull-back racer and it scared my dogs. What do you build with LEGOs?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Official Notice from MechaHub to Eric Sophie
(...) Space! (18 years ago, 21-Jun-06, to, FTX)  

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Official Notice from MechaHub to Eric Sophie
Dear random people I don't know: This is not frontpage news. Why is it on my lugnet frontpage? I don't care about your useless bickering, I care about things like MOCs and important announcements. I don't believe your schoolyard squabbles fall into (...) (18 years ago, 20-Jun-06, to !! 

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