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 People / Parents / 1
------( Welcome to lugnet.people.parents )------
Sat, 18 Sep 2004 19:33:56 GMT
2112 times
Welcome to lugnet.people.parents, a LUGNET discussion group.


   lugnet.people.parents (group):
      All about people who happen to be parents (parents of LEGO® fans,
      parents who are LEGO® fans with non-LEGO®-fan kids, LEGO®-fan
      families): Introductions, anecdotes, neighborly discussions, helpful
      advice, etc.; what it means to be a parent and interacting with your
      kids; when/how to introduce young children to the hobby; what to do
      if your kids like LEGO® and you don't, or vice-versa;
      family-friendly activities; things to do to increase interest;
      things to do to ensure an appropriate focus on school and community;
      what to do if your child enters the dark ages; etc.

   lugnet.people (group and hierarchy):
      All about LEGO® people (enthusiasts, fans, maniacs, collectors,
      builders, etc.): Introductions, anecdotes, neighborly discussions,
      helpful advice, disaster relief planning, etc.; manias, phobias,
      addictions, obsessions, etc.; support for and relief from non-LEGO®
      friends, coworkers, spouses, significant others, etc.; the human
      condition as it relates to LEGO®; etc.


   For complete information about this discussion group server, including
   a full listing of discussion groups and their purposes, point your web
   browser here:


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