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 Organizations / United States / TCLUG / 3
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Next Meeting is scheduled for June 21st
Wed, 11 Jun 2003 12:19:16 GMT
2425 times
To Writerboy2003:

The next meeting will be on June 21st, from 1-5:30.  You would not be the first
15 year old to join our group.  Just be sure your parents are fine with it.  If
you need the address (because you actually want to come), send me an email and I
can give you directions.

For anyone else:

If you would like to come, you can send me an email too!  There is a yahoo group

Of course we have this news group here too.  The only bad thing about this one
is the stupid verify this and that before you can even post.  Also, there are no
'extra' features like file storing, databases, polls, etc.  That is the reason
most posts occur in the yahoo groups board.

For the rest of the year, we will be meeting the 4th weekend of the month.
Thanksgiving and Christmas months will be under evaluation for which week works
best.  So, vote early, vote often for which day/week works best for you.

This month's 'theme' (we don't do a theme every meeting) will be space.  We are
holding a galactic meeting and you are to bring a representitive of your planet
and a ship they used to get there.


Brian K>

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