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 Organizations / United States / MichLUG / 2791
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MichLUG Meeting - March 2nd, 2002 - Scott's wrap-up
Wed, 6 Mar 2002 14:21:09 GMT
908 times
To All,
MichLUG had a great meeting here on March 2nd, 2002, in our newly appointed
meeting place, at a Retreat Center that his church has. It was a crowded
meeting, with lots of new faces and a few surprises!

Here are the lists of attendants:

Tony Hedglen
Jason Spears
Larry Pieniazek
Nikolai Pieniazek
Steven Weiser
Scott Sanburn
Alfred Speredelozzi
Steven Ringe
Jake Ringe
Erik Zempel
Lester Witter
Peter Guenther
Chris Leach
Sandy Leach
Ian Leach
Kira Leach
Kai Brodersen

We had some new members come for the first time, Alfred S., Steve Weiser,
and Erik Zempel, thanks for coming guys, it was an absolute pleasure meeting
you, and a big welcome to the club! : )

Creations / Stuff Brought:

Our meeting started at 12:00PM, and I was only 15 minutes late or so, that
is good for me. Peter Guenther brought two different towers, an evil wizard
tower, and the start of a Forestmen’s stronghold, which, when completed,
will have two trees on each side for the connecting part, and it will be cool.

Jason Spears brought the Blacksmith’s Shop, along with 2 awesome ships,
which he will reveal later.

I brought along a piece of my module section of the train station, in which
most of my layout will be raised in a 3 brick high manor. You can see pics
of it here:
I also brought my creation to hold my various listening devices, but it
still needs work. I also brought some samples of parts we run at my job, and
I happen to draw. I also brought along the usual gaggle of keychains and
membership certificates. I also brought along the show bricks so the kids
can play around a little.
Here is a pic of the module I brought:

Here is a good pic showing most of our meeting: Talking, looking, eating, etc.

Chris Leach brought a LEGO collection he got form someone his dad knew, for
free. He let us look through it and some folks good some good stuff! Thanks
again Chris. : )

Here it is in the box:

Here it is poured out:

It seems everyone brought a Super Chief, and we had a total of 6, and we ran
it along the track, it was neat to see. Steve Ringe brought the tables we
had previously built. They worked great when they were put together, and we
can’t wait to start using that design. Here are some pics:
Chris Leach looking happy running trains:

Larry P. instructing how things should be done:

Line of Super Chiefs:

Larry P. brought the Crocodile Engine, a Super Chief, his stock wagon, a
caboose, and some other train cars, I can’t remember them off hand. He also
brought some rather rare sets he sold for a great price, thanks, Larry!
Nikolai P. also brought a great ship built from the Slave 1. Here is a pic:

Alfred S. also brought along a Super Chief.

Kai Brodersen brought an awesome 8 wide train engine, I am unsure the model
or train company.:

Here are some pics of the kids and there play area:

Meeting Agenda / Votes / Discussions:

We had a productive meeting, with a lot of discussion along various issues:
1) Tables – We voted to make Steve R.  table design our club standard –
Might be changed, but this is a start. Around $30.00 for a 30x60 and a 30x30
is a good deal, folks.
2)  GATS & Brickfest – Not sure when Brickfest is, but it looks like some
people might do GATS, some might do Brickfest, and some might do both. So if
we have enough interest, we will do both. We also voted that we would ask
for an appearance fee from GATS for future events, as the last one was
rather disappointing. We will have a poll on Yahoo to see interest.
3) Had some general discussions in regards to other affairs, will post later
on Yahoo.

After the meeting, we decided to go to a Sports Bar thing in downtown DeWitt
and had a great time outside of some peppers, a mixed up Calzone, and an
overwhelmed waitstaff. Also, NEVER play Foosball (SP?) with Larry or
Nikolai, evil, evil, evil!!!!!!

Here is a funny picture, Peter Guenther pondering if 2 wenches are enough! : )

All in all, it was a great meeting, and a lot of stuff was discussed, and it
went really well. Our new meeting place is great, it is closer to me, so
that’s always nice.

See you next time!

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: MichLUG Meeting - March 2nd, 2002 - Scott's wrap-up
(...) of the engines, but they are emplowed with the GO Trains as the primary mover. I'm not going to ask (Kai) about how he did it, but the engine looks amazing, and I can't wait to see how he addresses the passenger sections. I think late last (...) (22 years ago, 8-Mar-02, to

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