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 Organizations / United States / MichLUG / 2696
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02-09-2002 Meeting Notes
Sun, 10 Feb 2002 19:19:38 GMT
1392 times
Another great meeting.  Steve Ringe (Steve2) was our gracious (last minute)
host.  In attendence we had:

Steve Ringe (Obviously)
Chris Leach
Steve3 - (Um last name? New member from Novi-GATS)
Jason Spears
Scott Sanburn
David Kohrman
Rick Hallman
Garry Stahl (And Wife Susan)
Trevor Pruden
Ken Koleda
Amy Hughes

Forgive me if I forgot anyone.

Topics of discussion:  Tables, Trolley Car, Website Administering

Tables:  Steve Ringe (borrowing from PNLTC, among others) designed us a new
table.  Ken Koleda took pictures of the building process:

The 30"x30" table was strong enough to support the weight of a number of
different members, and with a little bracing should be perfect for Amy and
Chris's Godzilla impersonations. :P

Trolley Car:  Steve Ringe the night before the meeting whipped out a simple
and small design for the trolley car idea that has been kicking around
lately.  I don't know if anyone got pictures, but hopefully Steve will post
a little about it?

Website Administering:  It was decided that I will be taking over the
website as soon as we can move servers.  Amy Hughes has done a great job in
the past and I hope I can continue that in the future.


Other items of note:

Trevor Pruden brought along 3 great models, A yellow and grey tanker, a red
M-Tron captial (?) ship, and the blue ship that was commented on so
frequently at Novi GATS last month.  All very impressive, and what's more,
all sporting easily accessable interiors.

Rick had a cute little spif-craft (?)  that was played with by many.

David brought along his tank, hotel, and his latest the Hall of Music, which
was very cool.  Lots of interesting details and great to see in person.

As always we went through Steve's drawers (His part drawers, jeez!) and
built a few things.  Nothing of note, although a couple of ideas were thrown
around for using pieces normally regarded as useless in interesting ways.

That's all I can think of, lets see if Scott does his normal meeting


Jason Spears
Michlug -
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