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LEGO for Katrina Kids?
Wed, 7 Sep 2005 18:06:37 GMT
2254 times
OK, so after sending out the email reminder for next Tuesday's Block Party @
Denny's ( I got thinking about some
comments we made at the pre-display setup at Bert's.

The thought of entire LEGO collections being destroyed in New Orleans made me
first think - I should be embarrased to say - that I need to get insurance
coverage somehow.

But having seen the pictures and thought about thousands of people losing
everything and being a father I keep coming back to the misery of a child who
has lost everything.

Would it be useful to collect donations of small LEGO sets at our LUG meeting to
send to kids who have nothing?

Would any of you be interested in donating a NISB (New in Sealed Box) set for
shipment somehow to these kids. Just small sets, under $10, but NISB so they
know they are getting something special, not someone's leftovers.

Anyway, just thought I'd put that out there.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGO for Katrina Kids?
(...) <snip> (...) Hi Ted et. al., I missed the email regarding the Block party, so didn't even know I missed it. I do have some MISB sets that I could offer up. Are you sending them to Sava the Agi? Do you want to send them as one box to save (...) (19 years ago, 16-Sep-05, to

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