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Re: September meeting...
Thu, 14 Sep 2017 17:48:57 GMT
27636 times
In, "Benjamin Medinets" <> wrote:
I think we will make a half-hearted attempt to be there tonight just because I
want to make it the lego store.

B Medinets

We made it to the Lego Store and then stopped by Swiss Chalet to see if there
were anyone there.  Alas there was no one that showed up.  :(

So the missus and I went to five guys near by and got patty melts... as in
Grill Cheese with hamburger patties.  Very Good.

The guy at the Lego store swore up and down that the $35 had to be Ninjago
product to get the freebie giveaway.

So I had to make a call after I verified with calendar that it wasn't specific
product.  So we received them after the fact.

No Thanks associate from the Lego Store (sherway).  Thank you to the Lego
Customer Service.

B. Medinets

Message is in Reply To:
  September meeting...
I think we will make a half-hearted attempt to be there tonight just because I want to make it the lego store. B Medinets (7 years ago, 8-Sep-17, to

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