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Bionicle Spider (not mine)
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic.bionicle
Thu, 29 Nov 2007 14:45:52 GMT
24591 times
My good friend (and fellow worker), Dave F, brought in his little ‘pet project’ that he’s been working on for the last little bit--

Inspired by one of the latest Bionicle sets, Dave F wanted to build an 8 legged beastie instead of the set’s 4 legged one (dunno the set number)

The issue of course is that there’s a LEGO fan that I work with so when we hit the mall for lunch every Friday, we end up at Winners and/or Zellers trying to convince each other to be good on the pocketbook and *not* buy LEGO (often fails, especially when BOGO rears it’s u-glay head)

Anyway, more pics--

Dave K

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