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 Organizations / Canada / MonLUG /

  Re: mort de MonLUG - death of MonLUG
(...) In order to facilitate the closing of the group it has been decided that the membership will be capped at the current 8 active members (Martin, Pierre, Kevin, Emmanuel, Luc, Michel, Regean and myself) and the group will no longer expand. The (...) (20 years ago, 12-Sep-04, to

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  Brickfete - LEGO Fan Fest - July 4 & 5
LEGO fans, join us for our 5th Birthday! July 4 & 5 (10 am to 3 pm) at Delta Toronto East ((URL) for more info Tickets (URL) are on sale online until midnight Thursday, after that tickets must be bought at the door (cash only). VIP and Exclusive (...) (9 years ago, 30-Jun-15, to lugnet.announce,,,,,,,,  
  Re: mort de MonLUG - death of MonLUG
(...) I can't comment on others interpretation but There will be no new MonLUG members, there will be no more MonLUG public event, there will be no more MonLUG official meeting. MonLUG is a thing of the past. the remnants are bunches of friends (...) (20 years ago, 15-Sep-04, to
  Re: mort de MonLUG - death of MonLUG
(...) (snip) (...) What Jude said is accurate. MonLUG still exist, but is now closed to new memberships and the name will not be used publicly or for any event. That being said, some members of MonLUG will soon found a new group for AFOLs in the (...) (20 years ago, 13-Sep-04, to
  Re: mort de MonLUG - death of MonLUG
(...) Not that it's really any of my business, but I have an observation to make as an innocent passer-by. Martin's post seemed to say that the group wasn't going to exist anymore. That's fair, stuff happens. But Jude's post sounds more like "we (...) (20 years ago, 13-Sep-04, to

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