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lxf to ldr converter
Mon, 20 Jul 2009 14:13:11 GMT
12411 times

in a social network ( a member (Ulf Rupprecht) asked for tool to
convert lxf (LDD) to ldraw files and I started researching. I ended by reading
the entry from Duane Hess ( 'I don't like
having to use LDD as an intermediary when converting because it occasionally
strips out parts that are not currently available.'

So I decided to implement that tool that can convert lxf or lxfml to ldr or mpd
files. You can have a look at it on, a German website set
up by Ulf (there will be an English version by time...). Though the website is
(currently) German only, the converter is in English.

The converter will convert all parts he knows in the ldraw.xml. He will not be
stopped by 'currently not available' parts.
I have added decoration tags to a l2l.xml (an extended version of the ldraw.xml
(additional)) so that I can map decorated parts. E.g. the 'Brick 1 x 1 with Eye
Pattern'. This will be interesting for minifig parts (like Torso and Head).
And the upmost advantage for me is the report output from the converter. It
tells me which parts/decorations are missing; I can edit them in the xml-files
and convert again without restarting.

Inside the converter you can configure external applications to start with the
converted file (L3Lab, L3P, LDView, etc.).


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: lxf to ldr converter
Question, I tried to use this programs and it's giving me the following error. Could you help me with that? Thanx. 2016-07-28 08:08:36,201 [1 ] INFO ldd2ldraw.Ldd2Ldraw - Open C:\Antonio back up\LEGO\LDD2LDraw\ldraw.xml. 2016-07-28 08:08:36,273 [1 ] (...) (8 years ago, 28-Jul-16, to

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