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Re: Car Stereos vs Flash Drives
Sun, 11 Oct 2015 16:03:07 GMT
3678 times
In, "Steve Bliss" <> wrote:

Anyway, I felt like ranting about something that probably no one else gives a
rip about, and I couldn't think of a better place to do it than

Thanks for reading, and post your comments below the jump!

"below the jump" ?? I see what you did there.

Car electronics in general are not as seamlessly integrated as they could be. I
think that's because of the captive market aspect, and because electronics are
"nice to have"... your buy decision isn't going to make or break on how well the
electronics integrate... it's going to be on crash test results, mileage,
expected reliability, etc...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Car Stereos vs Flash Drives
(...) Good point. My suspicion is that MP3 playback via CD-R or USB device is considered old and boring, and doesn't get much attention during development of the systems. However, one of the units with issues is the after-market Kenwood that I got (...) (9 years ago, 12-Oct-15, to

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  Car Stereos vs Flash Drives
So recently I've had the chance to try the USB/MP3 playback features in several different car entertainment systems (ie, stereos). And, across the board, the results have been underwhelming. Anyone else had similar experiences? This last weekend, we (...) (9 years ago, 8-Oct-15, to  

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