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Car Stereos vs Flash Drives
Thu, 8 Oct 2015 13:29:06 GMT
3285 times
So recently I've had the chance to try the USB/MP3 playback features in several
different car entertainment systems (ie, stereos). And, across the board, the
results have been underwhelming.  Anyone else had similar experiences?

This last weekend, we rented a Toyota Corolla. The silly thing would only play 1
song, then stop. We'd have to manually select each song. I looked online, the
only thing I came across is the player got confused by some of the tags --
removing metadata from the song files would resolve the issue. For reals?!

We had better things to do with the car, so I didn't bother testing the
suggested workaround.

On all units I've used, there is no 'seamless playback' -- there's an audible
break between each song (most annoying when listening to live albums). This is
an issue that was addressed over a decade ago in the MP3 format standards!

The Kenwood aftermarket unit in my car will display album art - but only from
meta-data tags embedded in the song files. It doesn't look for the a folder.jpg
image in the folder alongside song files, or any of the other typical schemes
for storing album art as separate files.

Also, the Kenwood can read a 64Gb flash drive -- but it only handles 250
folders, and 5000 songs. So I can really only fill that 64Gb drive about half
full - unless I start ripping albums as single MP3 files. Which would lead to my
whinging about lack of support for intra-file track marking (ie, CUE sheets).

Anyway, I felt like ranting about something that probably no one else gives a
rip about, and I couldn't think of a better place to do it than

Thanks for reading, and post your comments below the jump!

-- Steve

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Car Stereos vs Flash Drives
(...) "below the jump" ?? I see what you did there. Car electronics in general are not as seamlessly integrated as they could be. I think that's because of the captive market aspect, and because electronics are "nice to have"... your buy decision (...) (9 years ago, 11-Oct-15, to

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