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New Moc: Mobile-Crane Liebherr LTM1070
lugnet.technic, lugnet.modelteam
Mon, 12 Mar 2007 20:44:02 GMT
!! (details)
338 times
Hallo Everbody

After more than one year i finishe now my third moc, Mobile-Crane Liebherr
This Crane is my biggest and most complicated moc until now. Its fully powered
by Lego-motors and pneumatic-pistons. The crane's max. height is 2.50m.
For pictures and description please visit my brickshelf-galerie:

My whole brickshelf-galerie with picture from Legofest in Torino/Italy you can
see here:

Send any comments to my new email-adres:

Beat Schuler

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: New Moc: Mobile-Crane Liebherr LTM1070
Hello! Great work, very clean design! I like this picture: (URL) patience and attention to detail has paid off! BTW, Why did you offset the wheels and hubs? -Eric (18 years ago, 12-Mar-07, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.modelteam)
  Re: New Moc: Mobile-Crane Liebherr LTM1070
(...) One question I have regarding the boom luffing: from your pics it looks like the drive shaft also takes the load on the "hydraulic ram". Does the heavy load add a lot to the friction? Or did you unload the motor drive somehow, similar to how (...) (18 years ago, 13-Mar-07, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.modelteam)

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