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 Marketplace / Brick Shops / 508
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Mike's Bricklink Shop re-opened for final sales
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 21:27:26 GMT
2231 times
Well, folks, I've finally decided to move out of the Lego parts selling
business for good.  I'll be putting the bulk of my collection (not all, just
the bulk of it that I either bought for the purposes of parting out or those
sets/parts I don't need any longer) up for sale over the coming weeks.

Right now I have all of the unopened sets I bought over the last few years
(so you'll find some older stuff and some newer stuff) in my inventory.
These are the sets that I hadn't gotten around to opening to sort out to
sell as parts.  You'll find a mix of several themes.

All of these sets are unopened, although I wouldn't describe them all as
MISB.  I never bought things with the intention of keeping them in a display
case unopened, and in fact it is really only chance that kept these from
being opened this long.  I'm not saying the boxes are in bad shape, but
you'll notice some shelf-ware and creases since these either sat on my
shelves or store shelves usually stacked up with other sets.

Here is the link for my Bricklink shop:

Please take a look at my FAQ before ordering, especially the section about
shipping.  I only do Priority Mail shipping (and in fact for things weighing
a pound or more there is no other choice by Priority Mail (besides Parcel
Post which costs almost as much but takes 3 times as long to arrive).

Also, Paypal payment is preferred (which is pretty common I think) but I
only have a personal account, so my former request for non-CC payments
really is more of an absolute thing now, as I just discovered today that is
is impossible for me to receive CC payments without upgrading.

Anyway, I hope these sets will fill someone's needs and I hope the prices
seem attractive.  I tried to go 10% below the lowest current asking price
wherever possible.

Once I sell off all the sealed sets I will move towards the opened sets
(most of which I simply opened to investigate the contents more closely, not
to build them or raid them for parts).  Haven't decided if I want to sell
those as opened but not used or if I want to sort out all those parts and
add them to my several bins full of parts I will be selling last of all.
We'll see.

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