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LEGO sales Sept 4-
Thu, 3 Sep 2015 18:49:04 GMT
34314 times
No LEGO in the Canadian Tire or Wal-mart flyers this week.


TRU flyer good Friday Sept 4 through Thursday Sept 17.

A bunch of LEGO at full TRU price.  They do mention the Big Bang set, as well as
the latest collectible minifigs (Monsters).


Superstore is having a tax-free day on Saturday September 5.  Some stores have
toy departments.  Not a huge sale, but it is about the only sale I've seen to
include Friends sets.


Costco has some small bundled Star Wars sets for $29.99. (66534 and another)


Gail Meagher

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGO sales Sept 4-
(...) The toy department is really small at Joe Howe store, but over half the dozen or so sets are reduced in price, plus no tax. They are about 1/3 off prices that are slightly over MFSR. Sale prices on a couple of sets (not counting tax free): (...) (9 years ago, 5-Sep-15, to

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