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Re: Sears Wishbook is out with LEGO
Fri, 19 Sep 2014 14:49:31 GMT
36395 times
They still publish the WishBook?

Wow, I remember as a kid when we looked forward to getting it and seeing all the
new LEGO sets.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Sears Wishbook is out with LEGO
(...) Yes. They still publish a WishBook.... its a shame they no longer stock toys in their department store... :( (10 years ago, 21-Sep-14, to

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  Sears Wishbook is out with LEGO
No LEGO in either the Walmart or Target flyers this week. ------ The Sears Wishbook is out with a fair amount of LEGO in it. Only a couple of set numbers are shown (small print or not shown) but the piece counts are accurate. city: Helicopter (...) (10 years ago, 18-Sep-14, to

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