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 LEGO Company / Official LEGO Announcements / 85
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LEGO Factory updates and insight
Wed, 2 Mar 2005 18:35:25 GMT
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8271 times
After a number of highly successful week, the LEGO Factory contest has come to an end. We’re in the process now of judging the entries. The winning design will be turned into a product and will be launched in June 2005. If you haven’t taken a moment to consider what a huge step this is, now’s the time. :)

I’ve noticed that there’s been some concern surrounding the rules and implementation of this first contest. Let me first say that we fully acknowledge there were a few issues in the process, and are working to resolve them now for the next contest.

As I’m sure you can appreciate, this contest concept was a new direction for us to go in, and we’ve learned an incredible amount over the past weeks. We will be launching the second LEGO Factory competition soon (around late spring) and there will be new rules and functionality to make for a better participant experience which all consumers can trust. We’re working on new functionality such as a multiple angle model viewer, a new voting process, and new contest rules.

This should help to address some of the issues encountered in our first outing. For instance, in the final verification process we underwent to ensure the voting results were fair and accurate, it was discovered that multiple username votes from the same password in close repetitive intervals (e.g. 1 min.) had been generated to vote for multiple models in the final round of the competition. These votes have been determined as not legitimate and removed from the final total. The problem, of course, is that users might have seen strange things happening with the ranking on the site while we were doing this verification, assuming that there was cheating going on.

This has been unfair to the participants who have not cheated and the participants who thought they were a Grand Prize winner. The goal of this project above all else is to provide a platform for users around the world to be able to express themselves and their creativity on a regular and ongoing basis. To cause confusion about the process or a fear that the cheaters are winning works directly against that goal. As such, we want these issues to be squashed as badly as you all.

The LEGO Factory competition is a first generation project and will be continuing to develop. In the next 24 months, you will see a continual expansion of the 3D technology (including a MacOS LDD for late summer! - check out LEGO Fan for a screenshot) to allow the LEGO Community to create, play and purchase in entirely new ways. This competition is just the start and we hope the fans continue to help in growing and furthering the concept.

We have been listening to input from fans, participants, children, and adults on how to improve the competition. The idea of a design contest is just the beginning, it only scratches the surface. In the coming months and years, we are aiming to continuously improve the process in order to allow consumers to design and purchase their own products…

(Oh, and did I mention, purchasing your models or other people’s models will be here late summer??)

Jake McKee
Community Liaison
LEGO Community Development

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