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Baseball mini-figs?
Tue, 24 Aug 1999 13:22:50 GMT
1404 times
A friend of mine went to a baseball game in Boston (MA) recently, where they
were apparantly giving away Red Sox minifigs.  He didn't want it so he gave it
to me.  Has anyone heard about this going on anywhere else? Is this a promotion
with professional baseball, or is this just unique to Boston?

The Red Sox minifig is actually kind of boring in appearance -- white belt,
legs, torso, arms; yellow hands, standard smiley head, and a red baseball cap.
The only real discerning feature is the "Red Sox" printed in blue and red
lettering across the front of the torso.

Dave Eaton

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Baseball mini-figs?
(...) No way! Cool! (...) GIF, GIF! :) Is it *really* a LEGO® minifig? Did it come in LEGO packaging? I'm hoping it's not, but is there any chance it's a clone? --Todd (26 years ago, 24-Aug-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Baseball mini-figs?
David brought the Red Sox mini-fig to the recent NELUG meeting and here is a picture. (URL) the resolution is not great but you get the idea. Eric Remove ".nospam" when replying (...) promotion (...) (26 years ago, 2-Sep-99, to lugnet.general)

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