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Re: The largest assembly of LEGO Display Models....
Sun, 3 May 2015 00:09:46 GMT
27931 times
Also included in the several chapters of my LEGO Collectors Guide are going to
be several videos.

The nice thing about having a Computer Desktop collectors guide (as opposed to
just a hardcover book) is that you can click on sites on the internet (videos
and reference sites), and then go back to the desktop document where you left
off.  This will be true for several videos of some of the largest collections of
LEGO display sculptures on the planet.... including museums (Dan Brown's in
Ohio), as well as online links to the works of famous LEGO sculptors (and LEGO
friends) such as Eric Harshbarger, Nathan Sawaya and Adam Reed Tucker.

The 5 chapters on display models will make this the ultimate guide for official
(and non-official) LEGO sculptures and displays!  ;-)

(P.S. If you currently own my collectors guide.. this expansion of the guide
from 2800 to 3700 pages will be free

One last teaser... from the 1985 Paris LEGO Architect Exhibit...

Gary Istok

P.S. For people mildy interested... see "special" post #21...

Message is in Reply To:
  The largest assembly of LEGO Display Models....
Several LEGO fans have recently offered the use of the images of about 150 display models covering the last half century of LEGO retailer displays, for my Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts Collectors Guide next edition (free to current owners of my DVD or (...) (9 years ago, 3-May-15, to lugnet.general)

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