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Re: Surprising New Owner of MODULEX....
Thu, 30 Oct 2014 21:43:17 GMT
28462 times
Wow... talk about Deja Vu.... I just noticed the date...

It was 45 years ago today... Oct. 30, 1969... that poor young (18 year old at
the time) Hanne Christiansen (younger sister to both Gunhild and Kjeld) died of
injuries sustained in a car accident on a cold rainy October night, while being
driven to a movie theatre in Give, a town near Billund. The car skidded off the
road and hit a tree.

Kjeld was also in that car, and received severe injuries that took many months
to heal.

This 1959 image of Hanne when she was about 8 years old, was part of a leaflet
for building doll house furniture out of LEGO. It's the last known image of her
for a LEGO product.

The accident so devastated their father Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, that the
grief stricken man spent many months soul searching on whether to sell TLG.
Lucky for us, he was talked out of it...

Gary Istok

Message is in Reply To:
  Surprising New Owner of MODULEX....
OK... I need to pay attention to these things better.... ;-) The new re-introduction of diminutive scale Modulex Bricks, which were first produced by TLG as an architectural system in 1962-63 is what I'm talking about... Modulex was a smaller (...) (9 years ago, 30-Oct-14, to lugnet.general)  

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