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Re: Power Functions infra-red RC protocol released!
lugnet.general, lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics
Wed, 6 Feb 2008 17:31:32 GMT
23894 times
In lugnet.general, John Hansen wrote:
In lugnet.general, Philippe Hurbain wrote:

The LEGO company just released a document detailing the complete protocol
used by Power Functions RC receiver.

In collaboration with Jason Railton I have modified/extended the NBC and NXC API
functions for the HiTechnic iRLink device in support of the newly documented
Power Function modes as well as the R/C Train IR protocol.  I uploaded a new
test_release zip to the BricxCC page with NBC and BricxCC executable updates
with these new API functions included in the compiler and BricxCC syntax
highlighter/code completion support for NBC and NXC programs.  These updates
will be in the next beta release of NBC/NXC and the next official BricxCC

Many thanks John and Jason for your work on this.  I have been using the NXC
functions to control PF IR receivers from my NXT.

TLG has just released the following information:

"We have been testing the LPF RC Receiver today and discovered an error in the
RC Receiver firmware or chip masking. A register is not adressable. It affects
all the set, clear and toggle commands for single pins....and only these
We will do an update of the chip mask at some point (not too far into the
future). At that point it will be corrected."

This means that these commands will not yet work as advertised:
HTPFSinglePin(port, channel, out, pin, func, bContinuous)
HTPFSingleOutputCST(port, channel, out, func)
HTPFSingleOutputPWM(port, channel, out, func)

The HTPFSingleOutputCST commands affected are only the Set/Clear C1/C2 ones.  My
own experiments confirm that the others (inc/dec PWM, full power and toggle
direction) work well.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Power Functions infra-red RC protocol released!
(...) In collaboration with Jason Railton I have modified/extended the NBC and NXC API functions for the HiTechnic iRLink device in support of the newly documented Power Function modes as well as the R/C Train IR protocol. I uploaded a new (...) (16 years ago, 1-Feb-08, to lugnet.general, lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, lugnet.robotics) ! 

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