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 General / 52189
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New type of plastic in new bricks ?
Fri, 16 Dec 2005 16:20:40 GMT
2428 times
Just some questions after I finaly got hold on a 8653 set (Enzo Ferrari

There are clearly some change in color and finish on the pieces.
About half of the Technic Pin w/Frictions
( have a much shinyer finish than all
the pins of that type I have from before. It is also possible that they use
a new mold to produce them.

Some of the red beams have a much deeper red color than all other pieces I
have form other sets.

The Technic Ribbed Hoses ( have much
thinner walls in the tube than before. I think that is a improvment since
the tubes bends a lot easyer. It is also easyer to compress them i length
when stacking them in a Technic Axel e.g.

Øyvind Steinnes

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