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 General / 50765
    MOCpages Down for the Count? —Jason Spears
   Well the message changes from time to time, from "MOCpages is experiencing very high traffic right now. Please try again in a few minutes." to weird database errors. Either way, I haven't been able to get to MOCpages for a month (maybe longer). I'm (...) (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.general, lugnet.publish.html, FTX)
        Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Samarth Moray
     (...) Odd, I only noticed the 'very high traffic' one. (...) Yup. And *now* I'm getting worried. You're right, it's been a month. I haven't mailed Sean Kenney about it, so I haven't (...) The way I see it, (and I've mentioned this before): It's a (...) (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.publish.html, FTX)
         Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Larry Pieniazek
     (...) Good point. I'll go further, even donors shouldn't complain!(1) But then I'm a donor and I'm not complaining, just asking. Just like Jason is, I think, wondering what's up. 1 - it's a donation, not a contract (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.publish.html, FTX)
         Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Samarth Moray
     (...) Still, I think at least they have more of a right to complain than those who aren't paying... erm... DONATING at all! Legoswami (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.publish.html, FTX)
        Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Larry Pieniazek
     (...) It has been remarked on in passing and I've certainly noticed it. I did not realise it was solidly never working though. (...) Not directly. I'm wondering if a note directly to Mr. Kenney might be productive?? (...) Hints on that appreciated, (...) (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.general, lugnet.publish, FTX)
         Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Jason Spears
     (...) I had noticed some passing remarks as well, but a search on lugnet did not reveal a thread talking about it. I've been checking MOCpages three of four times a day for about a week. I never got through. (...) I tried an email to his (...) (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.publish, FTX)
         Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Larry Pieniazek
     (...) Thanks! Does that get you past the front page? I got my front page that way but none of my creation pages (where the real content is that I'd want to save... all that witty(?) repartee!) were returned. Searching for the creation page titles (...) (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.publish, FTX)
         Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Samarth Moray
     (...) Ditto. Thanks Jason. BTW Lar mocpages has an option by which it mails you copies of every page you make. Too bad the site itself isn't working, or you could've had all that stuff backed up by now. All the pages on my site have been backed up (...) (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.publish, FTX)
         Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Larry Pieniazek
      (...) Um, DUH! I have those all saved, somewhere, I think... Thanks for the reminder. (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.publish, FTX)
         Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Jason Spears
     (...) (URL) I'm not sure why it doesn't work for you two. Maybe I'm cooler? Check the link above, it grabs some of my mocpages just fine. Maybe google hasn't cached your individual pages yet? Actually, I'm not sure that it has all of mine either. (...) (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.publish, FTX)
        Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Jake McKee
     (...) For what it's worth, Sean (MOCpages creator/webmaster) recently got married and is currently on an 80 days around the world type honeymoon. He's probably somewhere in Asia at the moment. Or Europe. Or Australia. Lucky fool! Anyway, I'd bet as (...) (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.general, FTX)
         Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Jason Spears
     (...) His getting married sounds familar, but I didn't know about the trip around the world. Sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks. Jason Spears | (URL) BrickCentral> | (URL) MichLUG> | (URL) CLB> (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.general, lugnet.publish, FTX)
        Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Jason Spears
     (...) Well for the record, I was asking not complaining. Saying I might move my contest else where is a statement. Right now all the descriptions of my mocs on brickshelf are inaccessible. Moving that elsewhere is just a necessity, if MOCpages won't (...) (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.publish, FTX)
         Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Samarth Moray
     (...) Yes, I know. That was just *my* take on it. Sorry if you thought I was criticizing you; I wasn't. That was never my intention. Legoswami (20 years ago, 11-May-05, to lugnet.publish, FTX)
        Re: MOCpages Down for the Count? —Samarth Moray
     In lugnet.general, Jason Spears wrote: SNIP I just went (URL) here>, and interestingly, the MOCPages logo has changed. Maybe the sites getting a makeover? Either that or that's the original version of the logo, and I'm confused. Legoswami (20 years ago, 13-May-05, to lugnet.general, lugnet.publish, FTX)
        I have never, ever, ever been able to get to MOCpages. —Lindsay Frederick Braun
   (...) I get this message every time I try to view a page at MOCpages: (...) I have no idea why I get this; that's not my IP address, and I am not "smkenny" whoever that is. LFB (20 years ago, 20-May-05, to lugnet.general, FTX)
        Re: I have never, ever, ever been able to get to MOCpages. —Ross Crawford
   (...) That appears to be a problem with the mysql database, and I assume smkenney is Sean, the site admin, who is (URL) currently on a sabatical>, according to Jake. And in case you're interested, the IP quoted would be of the MOCpages webserver (...) (20 years ago, 20-May-05, to lugnet.general, FTX)

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