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Using Firefox on Shop at Home website
Tue, 21 Dec 2004 02:45:04 GMT
2873 times
Hi all,

Those of you who may have switched to using the recently released Firefox 1.0 as your browser may also have encountered a problem with the Shop at Home website that it doesn’t allow you to switch destination countries, saying you must have cookies enabled, even if you do have them enabled.

It seems that to create the cookie, it expects a browser other than Firefox, but once the cookie is created everything works fine. So to fix the problem all you have to do is tell Firefox to masquerade as Internet Explorer, create the cookie, then switch it back. This can be done as follows:

Install the “User Agent Switcher” extension
  1. Choose “Tools / Extensions” from the menu
  2. Click “Get more extensions”
  3. On the extensions page, choose the “Configuration” category
  4. scroll to find the “User Agent Switcher” extension
  5. click “Install”
  6. You will probably get a dialog saying it isn’t signed. If you prefer not to install unsigned extensions, then I can’t solve the problem, sorry
  7. Click “Install now”, it should download and appear in your extensions list
  8. You will need to re-start Firefox
Tell Firefox to masquerade as Internet Explorer
  1. When you’ve re-started Firefox, select “Internet Explorer” from the “Tools / User Agent Switcher” menu
  2. Go to the Shop at Home site, and switch countries to create the cookie
Give Firefox back it’s identity
  1. Choose “Default” from the “Tools / User Agent Switcher” menu, Firefox will now be back to it’s own identity (phew!) and you should still be able to switch countries on the Shop at Home site
  2. If you wish, you can now hide the User Agent Switcher menu by choosing “Hide the User Agent Switcher Tools menu” from the User Agent Switcher options.
Hope this may be of help to someone. Note I have only tried this with the current version (0.6.1) of the User Agent Switcher on Firefox 1.0

FUT: .off-topic.geek


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Using Firefox on Shop at Home website
hmm, I haven't run into this, but maybe it's because the cookie was created when I was still running an older version of FireFox? I've been running FireFox / FireFird / Pheonix for a long time... well since it was called Pheonix, :) and haven't had (...) (20 years ago, 21-Dec-04, to
  Re: Using Firefox on Shop at Home website
(cut some stuff away, thanks for the tip!) (...) It appears to now be under "Developer Tools" for whatever reason... Hopet that helps (20 years ago, 3-Jan-05, to, FTX)

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