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 General / 42855
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Hydrogen peroxide for bleaching Lego bricks?
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 00:51:20 GMT
2971 times
Hi all,

There have been various threads here discussing use of bleach for restoring
yellowed white bricks, some with better success than others. But has anyone
thought about using "green bleach", or hydrogen peroxide, to do the same?

I recently bought a bottle of such green bleach for C$2.5 compared to ~$1 for
chlorine bleach, specifically for this purpose. There's a blurb on it about
being colour safe too. I used that undiluted to bleach the pieces of a recently
acquired, but very yellowed, 8480 shuttle set. (YES! 8480!!!)

It seems to work for some slight yellowing, but appears to have no effect on
others, even when they have been soaked for close to a week.

Also, I thought about the 'colour fast' bit and decided to put a few
red/blue/yellow bricks in the stuff to check it out. Colour seems to be okay,
but I pulled them after one day so I'm not sure of the long term effects.

I won't know how strong my green bleach is, but there's also the 3% pharmacy
type that comes in little bottles.

Any thoughts appreciated. Seems like I could be the first one to come out with
this idea...


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