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 General / 25593
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lugnet.castle, lugnet.general
Sat, 23 Dec 2000 03:09:38 GMT
48 times
Taken from the Chronicles of Ikros

The Siege of Halcyon Castle

And as they saw the fearsome visage of the evil necromancer standing only feet
from the entrance to the castle, the two looked at each other and began to run.
"Run for it Garalt!" Kulvox ordered, pushing the knight in front of him,
looking back just in time to see Lord Ethelred begin to cast a spell...
With no way to re-raise the drawbridge, and with the magical wind holding up
the portcullis, it was clear that there was nothing stopping the horde from
entering the castle.  Tundrock, the towering brute of a man began to charge the
advancing horde, with a few soldiers following.  With one great swing, Tundrock
took out the leading undead soldier with his hammer, hitting the second with
his shoulder and all his weight...
The horde continued to fell man after man, unrelenting in its' advance.  As the
first few undead soldiers made their way into the castle, a group of soldiers
let loose a sleuce of crossbow bolts at the fiends, as the rest waited
patiently for their turn to meet their destiny...


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