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Re: Introducing LEGO Direct
lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 15:39:35 GMT
6480 times
Well, let me be the 53rd to say welcome! With luck this will be the unveiling
of a new communicative era for Lego. This is something that the Lego fan
community has been longing for quite some time, and as the responses have
shown, this is quite a joyous event for us as Lego fans, and hopefully for you
as well.

Many of us have already posted some of our specific suggestions. Some I agree
with, some I'm passionate about, some I don't agree with at all. I'd start to
list my suggestions, complaints and compliments here, but I think that'd just
add to the resounding boom that we've already had. Instead I offer my advice.
Read the newsgroups past and present. Everything that's been said in this
thread has been said already, and is brought up time and time again; from
juniorization to great new sets to bulk ordering to shop at home specials to
the outlet stores and more. And keep in mind that although we rant and complain
about what we wish for, we all have a sick obsessive love of the brick and a
real commitment to Lego.

Play Well,

Message has 2 Replies:
  All I can say is...
Brad Justus has better not turn out to be the m*dr*id, or we'll be chartering a bus to Ocala, and it *won't* be a pretty sight when we're finished. 8) Rob (24 years ago, 10-Jun-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego)
  Re: Introducing LEGO Direct
(...) Well... ok, so I was 54th! Someone posted while I was writing mine! DaveE (24 years ago, 10-Dec-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Introducing LEGO Direct
To LEGO enthusiasts everywhere: We hope that we are the bearer of some holiday cheer for you all. For those of you who have felt that your love for LEGO was unrequited, this is a new day. With this missive, the LEGO Company asks to open a dialogue (...) (24 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.announce, lugnet.dear-lego) !! 

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