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Re: Introducing LEGO Direct
lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 15:27:20 GMT
6243 times
In lugnet.general, Brad Justus writes:
To LEGO enthusiasts everywhere:

We hope that we are the bearer of some holiday cheer for you all.
Happy Holidays. And Play Well.

- Brad

Brad Justus
Senior Vice President, LEGO Direct

Let me be the 52nd person to thank you for looking to us as a legitimate
customer base.  I look forward to working with TLC to make your products and
services the best they can be.  Oh, and THANK YOU for bulk ordering.  No longer
will we have to deal with the mess of breaking down sets just to get parts we
want.  I know it will be in TLC's financial interest to offer direct parts
sales, as I for one will direct much of my purchasing power to them.

Naji Norder
(Roughly 150 sets from childhood plus about $3000 spent since leaving my Dark
Years in January.)

Message is in Reply To:
  Introducing LEGO Direct
To LEGO enthusiasts everywhere: We hope that we are the bearer of some holiday cheer for you all. For those of you who have felt that your love for LEGO was unrequited, this is a new day. With this missive, the LEGO Company asks to open a dialogue (...) (24 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.announce, lugnet.dear-lego) !! 

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