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  Re: LEGO World 2012
(...) According to most definitions I think even the airport is in Copenhagen itself. The location of LEGO World even more so. I just assumed "city" = "historic city centre". Play well, Jacob (12 years ago, 7-Feb-12, to
  Re: LEGO World 2012
(...) Tak så meget, Jacob. Very valuable information in deed. I had the impression that Lego World takes place in Copenhagen itself, not outside. But then OTOH, I haven't at all planned the details of my visit in Denmark yet, or even had a look on a (...) (12 years ago, 7-Feb-12, to
  Re: LEGO World 2012
(...) ~15 minutes. (Plus up to 4 minutes waiting for the next metro.) Bella Center where Lego World takes place is closer; first you take the regional train from Kastrup to Ørestad, and then you take the metro one stop towards city. Play well, Jacob (12 years ago, 6-Feb-12, to
  Re: LEGO World 2012
(...) I've ordered my airplane ticket now. I'll be at Kastrup airport Feb 16 at 08:05. Don't know how long it takes to get into the City from there. If I find a couch to sleep on, or another inexpensive alternative, I'll stay in Copenhagen for two (...) (12 years ago, 6-Feb-12, to

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