BricksWest 2003 Animation Festival Awards
Thu, 20 Feb 2003 03:12:09 GMT
5719 times
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The organizers of the BricksWest 2003 Animation Festival Awards are proud to
announce the winners of the Comedy and General Animation Categories.
In the three Animation Festivals that I have been personally part of, this one
had the largest audience and the greatest participation by the audience.
Members were given a ballot in which they circled their choice for Best of
Show, Comedy Competition Winner, and General Animation. The only caveat was
that no one entry could win two awards but one person with two entries could
win awards for each seperate entry.
The voting was close among several of the entries. It never ceases to amaze me
how everyone likes different things and selects different animations for their
favorite. Each animator listed below whould be proud of their work. I wish that
I could award each and every participant, and the only reason to single anyone
out is to encourage participation through some sort of reward/prize system.
I personally enjoyed each entry and I envy the skills that these animators show
through their work.
In the Comedy Competition there were 7 entries:
1) Jeff Leary from Rhode Island submitted "Really Deep Space"
2) Patrick Mahoney from Illinois submitted "A New Computer"
3) Chris Salt from the United Kingdom submitted "Out of Time"
4) Doug James from West Virginia submitted "Horror Contest Awards Show"
5) Nick Maniatis from Australia submitted "Russell"
6) Brian Gould from Canada submitted "Poco's Wide World of Sports"
7) Nate Burr from Australia submitted "Geek Out"
Congradulations to Jeff Leary who won the Comedy Competition!
In the General Animation Festival there were 14 entries:
1) Jonathan Neasy submitted "Labor Union Riots," "Sith Entertainment," and
"You're Toast"
2) Ahui Herreara submitted "Lego Tron," "Sighting," "The Cycle of Life"
3) Jeff Leary from Rhode Island submitted "Really Deep Space"(See Note 1)
4) Paul Hollingsworth from Canada submitted "War of the Wookies"
5) Stefan van Zwam from the Netherlands submitted "A Christmas Carol in Bricks"
6) Jared Gilbert from Vermont submitted "Midnight Ride"
7) Doug James from West Virginia submitted "Metro"
8) Nick Maniatis from Australia submitted "Good Company: Redux"
9) Paul Hollingsworth from Canada submitted "Brick War: Force of the Block"
(See Note 2).
Congradulations to Jared Gilbert who won the General Animation Competition.
The Best of Show award was independently voted for by the audience members and
they selected Patrick Mahoney's "A New Computer."
Congradulations to each of the participants.
Award receipients will be sent an engraved set of 1x8 bricks with the
BricksWest logo and engraved lettering indicating the award won. I will also be
sending each receipient a brand new LEGO System set.
Note 1: Due to a loop hole in the competition rules, a single entry could be
entered into two different categories. Since only one contestant did so it was
accepted for both competitions.
Note 2: Paul Hollingsworth and Sarah Stinchcomb won the Best of Show Award at
the BrickFest 2002 Animation Festival Competition. As such their entry into the
General Animation Festival could be viewed but was not eligible for a prize.
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: BricksWest 2003 Animation Festival Awards
| lets see here... I didn't win anything in the comedy comp, fair enough, I did not have full confidence that I would (my own belief is that "geek out" is not my best work, and did not deserve to win) I was beaten fair and square, cool, congrats to (...) (22 years ago, 20-Feb-03, to
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