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 Dear LEGO / 5669
5668  |  5670
Creator sets with articulation joints
Mon, 17 Oct 2011 20:28:54 GMT
27670 times
Dear Lego
I'm a HUGE fan of the creator sets (I can seriously see myself content with just
one or two of these if I was stuck on a desert island).  The sets with
articulation joints in particular are my favorites but I noticed that with last
year's 5868 Ferocious Creatures there were only five rotation pins (which are
preferable to ball/socket joints and simple hinges), while the previous year's
6751 Fiery Legend contains nine pins.  The rumours are that for 2012 we'll be
getting the 6914 Prehistoric Hunters set which again has a decrease in
pins/joints (maybe four or five at the most).

This may not be a trend, but before it becomes one may I request that you don't
decrease the articulated creator sets' pin count?  In my estimation, at least
one creator set a year with a minimum of eight pins would be preferable.

..joseph g

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