Since our last post on 5/13/02 [1], we've added 103 new sets! We're up to
1396 with more added all the time. A special thanks to Barney Hilken, Ben
Kimball, Chan Faunce, Clark Stephens, David Gregory, Denise Jadud, Hora Milan,
Icestorm, Jan-Albert van Ree, Jason Spears, Jeroen Koppes, Jostein Matre, Judy
Miller, Kevin Dixon, Kosmas Einbrodt, Luís Baixinho, Mark Morgan, Mark
Morrison, Martin Bruun, Martin Legault, Masahiro Sekiguchi, Matthew Wightwick,
Michael Edwards, Michael L. Kohan, Nicolás Beaumont Fantozzi, Ray Sanders, Rob
Walstrom, Ronan Webb, Russ Sprouse, Samuel Christiansen, Selçuk Göre, Tim
Strutt, Tobbe Arnesson, Tom Jakobsen, Tom P Eipp, William Howard and everyone
else that sent in inventories and corrections!
A very special thanks to TWS Garrison, for doing most of these additions, and
cutting down on our backlog!
Here's a list of the sets that were added:
16-1, 333-1, 345-2, 381-2, 525-1, 602-1, 733-1, 1030-1, 1257-1, 1258-1, 1389-1,
1390-1, 1577-1, 1637-1, 1924-1, 1972-1, 3000-1, 3001-1, 3410-1, 3442-1, 4116-1,
4211-1, 4579-1, 4584-1, 4585-1, 4609-1, 4610-1, 4795-1, 4799-1, 5041-1, 5118-1,
5581-1, 5823-1, 5956-1, 6199-1, 6290-1, 6353-1, 6376-1, 6380-1, 6387, 6389,
6397-1, 6401-1, 6462-1, 6490-1, 6517-1, 6540-1, 6599-1, 6602-1, 6656-1, 6676-1,
6685-1, 6719-1, 6720-1, 6721-1, 6722-1, 6776-1, 6812-1, 6851-1, 6878-1, 6951-1,
7143-1, 7755-1, 8020-1, 8024-1, 8034-1, 8035-1, 8040-1, 8044-1, 8054-1, 8055-1,
8213-1, 8230-1, 8257-1, 8459-1, 8468-1, 8469-1, 8470-1, 8471-1, 8482-1, 8516-1,
8532-1, 8537-1, 8620-1, 8640-1, 8660-1, 8680-1, 8832-1, 8835-1, 8841-1, 8842-1,
8843-1, 8847-1, 8849-1, 8851-1, 8852-1, 8853-1, 8854-1, 8855-1, 8872-1, 9251-1,
9274-1, and 9605-1.
We've got quite a number of updates yet to do, but please feel free to drop
us a note with a comment, suggestion, correction, or even an inventory! :) We
also still need to catch up with the last two ldraw/partsref update, thanks
Steve! :)
Dan and Jennifer Boger