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Variations in dark blue color.
Tue, 12 Feb 2008 18:30:45 GMT
7160 times
Last month, I was extremely excited to find dark blue corner bricks in PAB at
the Schaumburg LEGO store.  I picked up 30-50 or so of them as I packed a
holiday box.

When I got home, I took them out and noticed immidiately that they were at least
two distinctively different shades of blue.  When stacked together, it was
almost (though not quite) as easy to tell the shades apart as if you stacked
grey and bley together.

I find this disapointing.  It would be strange enough if the brick came from
different sets or was a different piece, which might indicate different points
of manufacture each having a slightly different shade.  I seem to remember some
of this with the dark blue from Cafe Corner. This brick, however was all from
the same pick-a-brick bin, all the same piece, and presumably the same
manufacturing site.

What is happening to LEGO QC?

Also, could PAB be a dumping ground for sub par Bricks?

Anyone have any explaination or experience related to this?

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Variations in dark blue color.
(...) Here's some of problems that I ran into... I bought a bunch of 2x10 white plates, stacked the neatly to fit inside a PaB cup. After stacking about 20 of them together, I realized that the sides of the plates didn't all line up smoothly. (...) (16 years ago, 12-Feb-08, to lugnet.color)
  Re: Variations in dark blue color.
Interesting points raised. As to LEGO quality not decreasing, and us just noticing it… I don’t buy that at all. I don’t ever remember stacking new bricks (even a few years ago) of the same color atop one another and seeing clear color differences. (...) (16 years ago, 12-Feb-08, to lugnet.color)

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