| | Quote
| | Brickshelf Account
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Aaron Muhl
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Aaron West
| | Add my nearly 300k bricks to the crushing defeat of all other themes
| | Account
Amado C. Pinlac ACPin & Sons
| | Us too!=
| | Account
Alan Findlay
| | Usually lurking, but trying to build a city
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Alex Polimeni
| | New to Lugnet but part of the club!!!
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Andrez M. Szlaga
| | Renewed shall be the blade that was broken/ The crownless again shall be king.
| | Account
Anthony Sava
| | The Lego Bandito and the Master of Dragons
| | Account
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Ben Ellerman
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| | Account
Benjamin Medinets
| | Castle is FUN!!!
| | Account
Brad Benedict
| | Long live Castle
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Bruce Hietbrink
| | Now lets go storm Space!
| | Account
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Chris Perron
| | A spacer and castlehead
| | Account
Christer Stoltz
| | Castle Rules ... Ninja Rocks!
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Christopher Lindsey
| | Castlehead since 86 and never looked back
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Dale S. Stoltzfus
| | Never enough LEGOs
| | Account
Dan Mattia
| | Attack with sharpened steel!
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Dan McNeally
| | Castle all the way. Been a castlehead since 1986. I donate 120 men to the army to storm space
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Dan Ravendea
| | Some kid who dislikes space
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Dan Thompson
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David Carriker
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Denis Pouchain
| | aka Denix from
| | Account
Don Cox
| | Castle nut for a long time
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Erick Jensen
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| | Account
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Felix Greco
| | Galloping forth to join his brethren!
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Fritz Grondy
| | King of the lurkers and castle from the start!
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James Stacey
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Jason Maxwell
| | Time to get medieval
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Jason Spears
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| | Account
Jay Cicchini
| | Always late...
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Jeff Stabile
| | Many ideas, too few minutes
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Jeffrey Rittenhouse
| | Be now of good courage men, storm the ramparts of Space and send them back to their heathen gods!
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Jeremy Scott
| | .Castle since I came lugnet... .castle until I DIE!
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Joe Butler
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Joey Finnell
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| | Account
Johannes Jojo Koehler
| | Black Falcons are undefeatable
| | Account
John Hendo Henderson
| | Not .castle only, but always around
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John Henry Kruer
| | Well known .Spacer, long time lurker
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Josh Wedin
| | Castle Forever!
| | Account
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Kevin Salm
| | Reader of Lugnet since day one and owner of almost every Castle set ever
| | Account
Kevin Wanner
| | Waiting to get a digital camera to post his story
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Laurent Bettens
| | You have my sword & shield!
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Mark Chittenden
| | Older than my castle sets even!
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Lenny Hoffman
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| | Account
M. Aaron Hein
| | In it for the anachronism
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Mike Thorn
| | So much Castle, so little money...
| | Account
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Nathan Todd
| | More Castle
| | Account
Nathan Wells
| | I am the Lord of the LEGO, One Brick To Rule Them All!
| | Account
Nicole Drumm MS
| | Closet castle lover with too few bricks to build
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René Hoffmeister
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Richard Noeckel
| | Death to Space!
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Rocco J. Carello
| | Ill support castle for as long as I have the strength to lift bricks...
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Stephen Bishop
| | My sword is yours
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Stephen Fisher
| | Lost all but one stickers from his yellow castle :(
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Stephen Wroble
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Steve McDonough
| | Who doesnt care and never will about the real size of any imaginary Star Wars, Star Trek, or other spaceship, but who cares about medieval weapons bludgering people who actually argue this
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Tim Deering
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Tamyra Teed
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Tanya K. Burkhart
| | Queen of her own little as-yet-unnamed Realm ;)
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Tony Alexander
| | I love both .castle and .space!!
| | Account
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William Archibald
| | Trying to build some resemblance of a large scale Castle City with a pitiful supply of bricks (and figures)
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William Braun
| | Only 1 MOC ever posted-but castle RULES!!!! (I can only add bout 50 troops) You have my sword...And My Axe!
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William Lister
| | Castle since 1980...
| | Account
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Yaron Dori
| | Proud to be a part of castle
| | Account