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 Castle / 5202
Tudor idea
Tue, 4 Jul 2000 07:46:42 GMT
1193 times
I just hit on a way to make diagonal bars on walls, in the Tudor affect.

Use these parts:

1x2 plate with 1x4 at right angle (hangs down over the side)
1x4 tiles

A 7104 Desert Skiff and 7111 Droid Fighter have these in brown. (McDonald's
Drive-Thru has 2 of the black plates on the car bumpers.)

I bet you saw the idea already. Embed the 1x2 plate in your wall, which you are
already striping with 1 brick wide vertical bars and 1 plate thick horizontal
bars. Now stick 2 tiles at the ends of the 1x4 that now faces outward. Adjust
them to be at a nice angle. Make the other end of the tile touch a vertical
stripe of 1x1. Voila!

If you have enough of the plates one effect is to make a solid row of them


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