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 Castle / 4208
4207  |  4209
Re: New story
Thu, 13 Apr 2000 03:43:32 GMT
1305 times
In lugnet.castle, Karl Martinson writes:
In lugnet.castle, Wilson Raska writes:
I just wanted to inform you all that I have a new story up on my website that
involves Locke.  Here is the link:

Please let me know what you think.


Great Intro! I love Gage's sword, where's it from?

Gage's sword is custom-made from one of those swords used at bars that go in
drinks.  I cut off the loop thing around the handle and spray painted it
silver.  I then wrapped electrical tape around the handle so it would fit in
his hand.

Locke's bed looks a little bit uncomfortable if you ask me...

Yeah, I was experimenting with covers and I didn't have much time, so I went
with it.  That's something I'll have to work on though.

Great beginning, I love the design of all your characters, can't wait to them
incorperated into your story.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New story
(...) Great Intro! I love Gage's sword, where's it from? Locke's bed looks a little bit uncomfortable if you ask me... Great beginning, I love the design of all your characters, can't wait to them incorperated into your story. <<KM>> (24 years ago, 13-Apr-00, to lugnet.castle)

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