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 Castle / 21219
21218  |  21220
Great little FOTD: Yellow Castle sticker!
Sun, 15 Jan 2006 19:48:29 GMT
6437 times
Hey all,

This actually happened last week, but I'm still smiling over it.  My local
consignment shop often has $25 to $30 bags of used Lego in Ziploc bags, most
of which I pass on now because my collection is pretty solid and I still
have much sorting and rearranging to do.

However, last week was different.  I stopped and found only one bag, but it
contained an old 1x6 yellow brick with the paper banner sticker from the
entrance of the Yellow Castle!   WOOT!  The fact that the bag also contained
some choice Classic Space decorated pieces was gravy.

The best part is that the sticker is in excellent shape given its age, and
the fact that whoever applied the sticker knew that it would last longer if
it was applied on just the 1x6 as opposed to the way it is depicted in the
instructions (where it covers several brick).  I know I'll never find the
other stickers for the set as they also cover mutiple bricks, but it sure is
nice to have that extra detail on the set that I've rebuilt.

Dave S.

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