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Re: Castle World
Sun, 30 Jan 2000 05:58:56 GMT
2609 times

I love Pawel's work (hear that, Pawel?) and especially Verneer. Ewan seems
interesting, but he hasn't showed up much yet.

Thanks a lot.  I created the three characters to have some kind of balance in my
kingdom, with Ewan being the conservative/smart/shy guy.  Verneer is obviously a
carpe-diem individual while Prince Ian is a military strategist and the
overachieving son.

If we had scales, then Ewan and Verneer both would have a fighting ability Maxed
out.  Ian isn't an incredible fighter himself, but being a military genius, he
doesn't need to have great fighting skill.

Ewan's skill comes from being a half-elf (as most of the forest archers will
be).  His bow is magical and given to him by the forest fairy (with pictures
coming - she is pretty fly;)  Ewan is unequaled in forest battle due to his bow
and his ability to blend and move silently in that environment.  He, more so
than the others, minds his own business, and is the type of person that would
blush at a off color joke.  In battle though, he is so fast that when his arrow
hits a target, it knocks them off their feet.  The second arrow hits them before
they even hit the ground (That would look pretty awesome in a movie ... slow
motion and all).  This quickdraw and stealth makes him almost unequaled in
battle.  Ewan also is in love with the forest fairy about which she knows.  She
toys with him all the time and it drives him nuts (I'll take some fun pictures
of that soon;)

His only equal in physical battle (for now and for me) is Verneer.  Verneer is a
human and posesses dexterity, quickness, as well as ice water in his veins.  In
battle he will jump between three enemies and with his two knives do some
serious hurt before they ever realize what hit them.  He isn't really strong,
but is well toned and super quick.  He has a certain cynical cruelness to him,
and because of that him and Ewan can't seem to stay together too long (which is
fine for Ian since they are the only two people in the kingdom that worry him).
Verneer's heart belongs with Katherine - a young village girl a year older than
he is (21).  She has no plans on running away with him anywhere, and for the
sake of the village, wants to keep their romance (more so than a relationship) a
secret.  Can't keep it forever from Ian's Dark Spies ...

Dang ... I can't wait to take some shots of this (all my equipment is at home
and I'm at college right now.  I stink.)

-- pn

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Castle World
Hi Pawel, You don't know how long I've been waiting for this kinda stuff. I was just waiting for the story behind the characters - the development, the action, the drama... (...) Of course ;-) (...) I saw someone make some lego movies using the (...) (24 years ago, 30-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Castle World
Hi Pawel, First things first. I love all of the work contributed so far by various people to this Castle World. I hope some day (soon) I'll have the time (and digital camera) to contribute too! (...) The descriptions/stories of your heroes remind me (...) (24 years ago, 30-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle World
(...) Oooh yeah. I'm getting even with TLC for discountinuing it ;-) (...) Thanks! I'm happy you liked it. It's really nice to know my work is appreciated, it motivates me to do more! (...) Yeah, I'm trying to get as many of these as possible - my (...) (24 years ago, 30-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

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